
Wykład z ekonomii behawioralnej

W poniedziałek 13 IX w auli absolwentka Naszego Liceum Pani dr Sandra Andraszewicz (naukowczyni, uczelnie: ETH Zurich Switzerland, University of Basel Switzerland, Singapore-ETH Center Singapore ; mieszka na stałe w Szwajcarii) w ramach swojego autorskiego wykładu (w j.ang.) i prezentacji znakomicie przybliżyła ponad 150 uczennicom i uczniom z klas mat-geo oraz IB zagadnienia związane z EKONOMIĄ BEHAWIORALNĄ.

14 listopada w Europejskim Centrum Solidarności w Gdańsku na konferencji poświęconej sztucznej inteligencji (https://ecs.gda.pl/wydarzenia/ai/) Pani Doktor poprowadziła jeden z paneli dyskusyjnych.

Poniżej abstract poniedziałkowego wykładu oraz krótka notka bio. Pani Doktor.

Title: Who makes resilient financial decisions? – A collection of interdisciplinary studies from cognitive science, behavioral economics, and neuroscience

Abstract: Most of our decisions are inherently complex, especially when dealing with financial matters. However, some people make decisions that result in more favorable outcomes than other people. What are the factors that result in more resilient individual financial decisions? In this talk, I will present findings based on behavioral experiments using experimental asset markets and trading simulators, as well as skin conductance and self-reported studies, to investigate individual and social factors affecting people’s investment decisions. Key findings from these studies indicate that social comparison impacts people’s trading behavior on social trading platforms. We also find that skin conductivity, which is linked to micro-sweating during arousal, can help identify individuals who obtain better financial outcomes during bubbles and crashes and that individuals with higher cognitive abilities (intelligence) are not more prone to take more risk, but they are less prone to biases in risky tasks.

Bio: Dr Sandra Andraszewicz is an alumna of Gdynia High School No. 3 and IB School No. 0704 (“Gdyńska Trójka”), and an initiator and a co-founder of its alumni association. Sandra is a cognitive scientist at the ETH Zurich (Switzerland), a co-Principal Investigator at the Future Resilient Systems II within the Singapore-ETH Center (Singapore), an affiliate at the ETH Risk Center and a lecturer of Economic Psychology at the University of Basel (Switzerland). She studied multidisciplinary cognitive sciences at the University of Utrecht (the Netherlands) and the University of Edinburgh (Scotland, UK). She completed her PhD at the University of Basel (Switzerland). Sandra has also worked at the Max Planck Institute of Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen (Germany) and SCOR – a re-insurance company. She has many years of experience in research in academia and transferring the best scientific practices to applied behavioral science problems. She has worked with various regulatory agencies and business partners in banking, insurance, FinTech and pharma, such as Twint, SwissRe, SIX (Swiss Stock Exchange), Merc Sharpe & Dohme (MSD), Aboitiz Group (ADI, Philippines), Credit Suisse, and Zurich Insurance. Sandra’s work focuses on decision making in complex environments, such as crises and risky situations. Her research is devoted to risky and complex decision-making, resilience of individuals and human interaction with new technologies.


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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